
How Not to Be Scared of the Dark: The Subtle Power of Advent

How Not to Be Scared of the Dark: The Subtle Power of Advent

I wonder if I’ve been looking for God to show up in 2020 in the all-consuming-ness of the spotlight and have, perhaps, missed his still small voice in the twinkle light…Maybe this light of the world emerges gently in the ambience of lamp light, the flicker of logs in a fireplace, the glow of the moon off the ocean and the glittering of an apartment-sized Christmas tree.

How to End a Friendship

How to End a Friendship

Not all friendships are meant for forever. This is confusing to consider when so much of what we’re taught about friendship is in the context of either the permanence of covenant marriage or the theology of Christian niceness. It is difficult when we have spent extenuated seasons of life in loneliness and are desperate to hang onto companionship. It requires thought when we consider Jesus’ mandate to love. While we are never off the hook of loving others, there may be some relational hooks we need to dislodge in order to be at peace. And sometimes the most peaceful thing to do is walk away. The question is when and how?

Purging the Single Guilt

Purging the Single Guilt

Singleness is not punishment. It’s not failure. It’s not immaturity….There is a way to live a single life that is about more than trying to escape it.

Little Women and Old Maids - What is a Happy Ending?

Little Women and Old Maids - What is a Happy Ending?

“I grew up thinking I would be Meg, and now I think I might be Jo!” … Spinsters never had it so good.

How to Survive the Holidays as a Single

How to Survive the Holidays as a Single

The holidays can be tough for singles…but don’t let the family-obsession of holidays make you forget all of the other components that make up a life.